Head of School/Principal

Ambleside School of Boerne
Boerne, Texas, United States
Date Posted: 02/05/2025
Categories: Education
Job Type: Full-Time
Employee Workplace: On-site
Job Description:

Ambleside School of Boerne is seeking a highly motivated and dynamic principal! Ambleside School of Boerne is a private Chrishtian school based on Charlotte Mason’s philosophy and practice. A passionate and collaborative leader is instrumental in advancing the school’s growth. Currently providing education in Pre-K through 8th  grade, the prinicipal will be guiding the school into it’s next phase of growth with relocation to a new campus.

Position Overview

An Ambleside® school Head of School is first and foremost a lover of Jesus Christ, children and

knowledge. Within this relational context, the Principal is responsible to set and

maintain a positive (high-joy), inspirational, and peacefully authoritative atmosphere

throughout the school. The Principal is to train, support and shepherd teachers in

providing a “living education”. Through ASI-provided mentoring and resources, school

observation visits and feedback, personal study and practice, the Principal is to become

highly competent in leading and promulgating the Ambleside® method and to acquaint

him/herself thoroughly with the ASI Principal’s Manual and curriculum for all grades,

holding all teachers, staff and students to ASI’s rigorous standards. In a broad sense, the

Principal is the school’s primary spokesperson and represents the school on and off

campus and acts on behalf of the school by professionally and warmly interacting with all

students, parents, teachers, staff, visitors and the community at large. The Principal

reports to the School Board.


Personal Qualities

Spiritually mature in Christ, psychologically strong, service and others-oriented, teachable,

loving towards all persons (children, teachers, parents), joyful, peaceful in and under

authority, inspirational in leadership, growth-oriented, administratively excellent, patient,

hungry to know and share knowledge/ideas, intelligent, thorough, punctual, flexible,

collegial, articulate, and enthusiastic


Overarching Responsibilities

  • Implementing and overseeing an entire school program that conforms to the policy

and budgetary guidelines established by the School Board and is carried out in a

manner consistent with the Ambleside® ethos.

  • Being mentored in Ambleside® school leadership through regular contact with ASI,

attentive participation in Principals’ conference calls and retreats, collaborating in the

ongoing movement of Ambleside Schools International by hosting training events,

contributing to the broader work when reasonable, helpful and appropriate.

  • Promoting and inspiring a community of existing and potential parents, teachers,

students founded upon the Ambleside® educational vision, leading by informed,

enthusiastic and genuine example in word and deed.

  • Developing teachers in the philosophy and practice of an Ambleside® education

through regular observation and feedback, mentoring, modeling, training, and

evaluation; ensuring teachers faithfully follow ASI curriculum and uphold standards

for life-giving atmosphere, habit training, lessons and student work; recognizing

teacher contributions, making suggestions for growth, identifying areas of critical

concern, and/or firing teachers as necessary.

  • Supporting teacher’s professional growth as they seek academic and relational

growth in their students. At times, supporting students directly when warranted by a

significant degree of student and/or teacher weakness.


Minimum Requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree, (Master’s preferred)
  • Introductory knowledge of Charlotte Mason’s educational philosophy from the

following essays: “Three Instruments of Education” and “Children as ‘Persons’”

  • Exceptional written and verbal communication skills
  • Strong public speaking skills
  • Solid business acumen, management, and problem-solving skills
  • Basic computer literacy, including working knowledge of Microsoft Office and Google Apps
  • Strong interpersonal, time management and organizational skills
  • Participation in ASI’s principal training and mentoring program (provided by school, travel required)
  • CPR and first aid certification (provided by school)
  • Free and clear results on federal and state background


The detailed job discription of a Ambleside School of Boerne Head of School/ Principal is as follows:

Spiritual Life

An Ambleside Head of School is ""first and foremost a lover of Jesus Christ, children and knowledge."" As such, the duties listed in this section are provided for the purpose of self-­--reflection but are not used as criteria in a professional evaluation; such duties would include but are not limited to the following:

  • Cultivating a personal love for God by keeping a daily devotional practice.
  • Practicing ongoing awareness and dialog with Father/Son/Spirit throughout the changing circumstances of each day.
  • Being quick to recognize personal responses that are less than the character of Christ (particularly habitual responses); quick to repent and to pursue growth.
  • Praying daily for students.
  • Initiating prayer (appreciation, repentance, petition) with students spontaneously and at set times (Bible class, lunch, dismissal, etc.)
  • Instructing students in how to pray more maturely (i.e., moving beyond “for a good day” or “to win the game,” etc.).
  • Freely and naturally speaking of Jesus, though never as a tool to manipulate student behavior.
  • Actively participating in a local church community.

Relational Life

Cultivate and uphold a ""life-­--giving"" relational dynamic throughout the school by ensuring the following:

  • Staff foster a sense of belonging within the school community; are inclusive, approachable, and hospitable.
  • Staff view all (especially children) as having immeasurable potential, never defining persons by label or diagnostic category.
  • Staff humbly give and receive appropriate correction to/from students, peers, and supervisors.
  • Staff have an unassuming view of themselves; neither staff nor students put themselves on display or seek undue attention.
  • There are regular community-­--building activities (e.g., Back to School Picnic, Christmas Candlelight Service, Community Caroling, Spring Concert, and

Shakespeare), which maintain the Ambleside ethos and focus on deep satisfactions, rather than thrills and excitement.

  • There are opportunities to foster joyful and supportive relationships among school staff. (e.g., opportunities for fellowship, prayer, shared meals, laughter, counsel, reconciliation when needed, etc.)


Set and maintain a positive (high-­--joy), inspirational, and peacefully authoritative atmosphere throughout the school by making certain that the following standards are upheld:

  • Classrooms are warm and inviting, well ordered, free of clutter, and inspirational.
  • Classrooms are a place of joy (many smiles) and kindness.
  • Teachers have a peaceful and authoritative presence; teachers and students share a sense of must.
  • Teachers contribute a supportive, attuned presence.
  • Teachers'' responses to weakness are gentle; students are shown how to respond gently to weakness.
  • Teachers and students show enthusiastic attentiveness to the work at hand.
  • Teachers secure diligence in full-­--class participation, not allowing students to dominate or hide.
  • Teachers are present with students at morning arrival, breaks, lunchtime, and departure.
  • There is an air of peaceful diligence in communal areas (offices, hallways, library, etc.).
  • Public areas are neat, well ordered, and beautiful, avoiding childish decorations.
  • The school has a healthy emotional-­--relational atmosphere optimal for growth of students.
  • The school is largely free from the distractions of popular culture.
  • The school is free from cliques and social hierarchy among students.
  • During times of free play, any student is welcome to join any game. Sports are enjoyed but not exalted.



Ensure the following standards are consistently upheld for effective and intentional cultivation of habit throughout the school:

  • Teachers and students uphold good order in routine matters.
  • Teachers and students uphold a high regard for persons (active participation, attention, and courtesy).
  • Teachers secure focused attention to lessons, tasks, and instructions.
  • Teachers instruct in expectations for work (set-­--up, checkpoints).
  • Teachers maintain high quality in oral and written work.
  • Teachers respond constructively to student lapses in work and behavior.
  • Teachers and students are free of disruptive behavior patterns.
  • Teachers do not use behaviorist techniques (shame/praise, reward/punishment) to manipulate student behavior; classrooms are free of competition and artificial incentives.
  • Teachers have a clear, explicit growth strategy in place for every student with a significant weakness in behavior or work habits.

On-Method Disciplinary Lessons

Ensure the following method steps are consistently applied in disciplinary subject lessons throughout the school:

  • All students are engaged in performing the ""act of knowing"".
  • The ""First Little Talk"" is effectively employed-­---­--Teachers warm up (mental math, memory work) and set up (review, vocabulary) in each lesson.
  • Teachers facilitate the lesson by making wise use of text and direct instruction.
  • Teachers invite full, accurate recall of definitions and algorithms.
  • The ""Second Little Talk"" is effectively employed-­---­--Avoiding lecture and explanation, teachers use open questions to ensure understanding of the principles and ideas (i.e., students can explain the why).
  • An appropriate ""Response"" opportunity is given-­---­--Teachers provide adequate practice/use of the skill.
  • Teachers facilitate student discovery and correction of errors when they occur, rarely giving direct correction of student error.

On-Method Inspirational Lessons

Ensure the following method steps are consistently applied in inspirational subject lessons throughout the school:

  • All students are engaged in performing the ""act of knowing"".
  • The ""First Little Talk"" is effectively employed-­---­--Teachers warm up (timeline, memory work) and set up (review of previous lesson, introduces unfamiliar terms, timeline, geography) in each lesson.
  • Episodes of appropriate length are read during lessons.
  • Teachers use narration after each reading.
  • Teachers ensure understanding and explore ideas in the ""second little talk"".
  • Teachers minimize the use of declarative statements.
  • Teachers facilitate student discovery and correction of errors when they occur (rarely give direct correction of student error).

Curriculum and Student Work

Uphold ASI''s standard for quality and quantity of student work throughout the school by ensuring the following:

  • Teachers know the breadth and depth of assigned curriculum and use it exclusively.
  • Teachers access the ASI Educator Support site at least weekly.
  • In all subjects, teachers are at least 85% on-­--pace with the scope and sequence.
  • Teachers are knowledgeable of ASI standards for student work.
  • Across all subjects, the quantity of written, oral, and ongoing work meets ASI standards.
  • Across all subjects, the quality of written, oral, and ongoing work meets ASI standards.
  • Teachers are current and remain up-­--to-­--date assessing all students'' written, oral and on-­--going work.
  • Teachers avoid unit studies and projects. Independent student work is used judiciously.
  • Handouts are only used in disciplinary subjects (mathematics, grammar) and are never the primary means of instruction.
  • All written and oral work is of a “worthy nature.” Students are never given busy work (i.e., color pages,
  • puzzles, internet searches).
  • Teachers systematically track the completion of all assigned homework for each student; written records are used for tracking in middle and high school.
  • All students are given the opportunity to publicly display what they have learned (e.g., concerts, recitations,
  • Shakespeare plays), with the emphasis on learning, not performance.
  • Only approved ASI curriculum is used.
  • All teachers understand and apply the ""Method of a Lesson".

Supporting Growth

Build an alliance for growth with those teachers and students who struggle to maintain a high standard in relating to work and/or persons by:

  • Identifying teachers and students who struggle to maintain a joyful, attuned presence and engaging in a proactive strategy to address these weaknesses (effectively supporting in relational dynamics/circuits).
  • Keeping track of significant student weakness in behavioral habits and holding teachers accountable for a proactive strategy to address these weaknesses (effectively supporting students'' relational/behavioral habit formation).
  • Viewing parents as an important source of information and insights about students. Keeping regularly scheduled parent-­--teacher conferences for the parents of all students and as-­--needed parent-­--teacher conferences to address specific student needs (involving parents to support students'' behavioral habits).
  • Keeping track of significant student academic weakness and holding teachers accountable for a proactive strategy to address these weaknesses (effectively supporting teachers in addressing students'' academic weaknesses).
  • Ensuring a strong partnership between teachers and parents in addressing academic weaknesses.
  • Ensuring there are regular opportunities for parent formation and education in the dynamics of personal maturity, parenting, and the Ambleside/Charlotte Mason philosophy (e.g., Study Groups, Campus Meetings, Parent Internships).
  • Keeping track of significant student weakness in work habits and holding teachers accountable for a proactive strategy to address these weaknesses (effectively supporting habit formation in students'' approach to work).
  • Putting a strategy in place to address any teacher weakness in pacing.
  • Identifying teachers with significant teacher weakness in effectively executing the method of a lesson and engaging them in a proactive strategy to address this weakness (effectively supporting teachers in the method of a lesson).
  • Putting a strategy in place to address any teacher weakness in student work (quantity, quality, completeness, diversity of assignments).
  • Conducting a regular sample review of all student work.
  • Conducting classroom observations an average of four to six hours per week.
  • Ensuring senior leadership staff conduct classroom observations an average of 15 hours per new teacher per month, and two hours per master teacher per month.
  • Devoting a minimum of two hours per month to staff development in cultivating emotional-­--relational and spiritual maturity.
  • Devoting a minimum of four hours per month to develop proficiency in the Ambleside/Charlotte Mason philosophy and method.
  • Devoting a minimum of two hours per month to equipping staff with professional skills (hosting parent conferences, teaching Shakespeare, writing Reports of Growth, etc.).

Operational Leadership

Accept responsibility for all administrative operations, seeing to it that:

  • School enrollment is trending in a positive direction.
  • School finances are stable, and projections indicate continuing stability.
  • School personnel follow optimal procedures for assessing, accepting, and orienting new students and their families.
  • The school’s administrative operations are efficiently, effectively, and peacefully conducted.
  • School facilities are safe. Adequate policies and procedures are followed to ensure the health and safety of school students and staff.
  • The school’s facilities and equipment are appropriate for achieving the Ambleside philosophy and mission.
  • The School Board meets regularly.
  • School policies are recorded and appropriately communicated in a Board Policy Manual, Faculty Handbook, and Parent Handbook.
  • A strong working relationship is pursued with the School Board, remaining clear on the distinction between the head of school/principal’s and the board’s roles and functions.
  • The school has an optimal number of faculty, neither over nor understaffed.
  • Attendance, legal documentation, and professional growth records are maintained on file for all employees.

Miscellaneous Duties

Other duties include but are not limited to:

  • Serving as a member of the School Board and attending all board meetings.
  • Acting as an inspiration and encouragement to the School Board through regular reports and working as a corporate body for the good of the school.
  • Maintaining weekly contact with the Board Chairman.
  • Collaborating with the School Board to develop and implement a plan for continuous school improvement.
  • Conducting New Parent Orientation with another Board member at the beginning of each school year.
  • Being a visible, inspirational presence to students, staff, and parents, greeting at arrival and departure, sharing lunch with students, and proactively engaging during times of community fellowship.
  • Routinely dealing with conflicts, concerns, and grievances in a positive, affirming, and encouraging way, always expressing critical thoughts and feelings to the appropriate person in an appropriate manner.
  • Ensuring field trips are included in each grade level and support the curriculum.
  • Reviewing student exams and Reports of Growth to ensure accurate and well-­--written communication.
  • Ensuring adequate record keeping.
  • Meeting regularly with office personnel to ensure efficient operations.
  • Ensuring the quality and regularity of school and classroom communication with parents regarding academic and behavior expectations, specific growth areas for the student, and regular school activities and events.
  • Contacting substitute teachers when needed.
  • Encouraging meaningful alumni, parent, and volunteer participation.
  • Maintaining programs that contribute to relations with the local community.
  • Writing thank you notes for contributions, services, etc.



About Ambleside School of Boerne

At Ambleside School the person of Christ is at the center of all we do. We do not seek to teach specific denominational doctrines, but we do want children to know the person of Christ. You won’t find a legalistic atmosphere here, but you and your children will be challenged to grow in a relationship with God.

A Christ-centered school acknowledges the sovereignty of God, the authority of the Word of God, the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit in all of life. It does not seek to divide life or education into spiritual and secular compartments, but rather acknowledges that all truth is God’s truth and all learning is an effort to relate to God, self, others, and the created world.


It values each student as created by God, with gifts to be strengthened, weaknesses to be overcome, and responsibilities to be carried out. It respects the authority that God has given to parents and teachers, and calls them to partner in the training and education of children. It calls students to submit to the loving mentors that God has provided for this purpose. A Christ-centered school is built on the following set of foundational beliefs:


The Bible is revered as the inspired, authoritative Word of God and the only infallible rule of faith and practice.

God, who is eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is the creator of all truth and governs all things according to the purpose of His will.

God has created people uniquely, knows them fully, and desires to have a personal, vibrant relationship with them, but they are separated from Him because of their sinfulness.

To this end, God the Son came to earth in human form, fully God and fully man, to live a sinless life, to be crucified, and to rise again from the dead as the only ransom for sinners and the only mediator between God and mankind.

All people will be resurrected, either unto eternal life with God or eternal separation from Him.

Upon our acknowledgement of our own sinfulness and acceptance of Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf, the Holy Spirit continues the work of regeneration, including conviction of sin, new birth, and growth in Christian maturity.

God surrounds us with other people to encourage, exhort, and correct us. He calls us to spiritual unity as believers in Jesus Christ, across racial, gender, and socio-economic lines.

Our identity is given by God our creator, not fashioned from our own desires.

Thus, a Christ-centered school complements the work of the family and the church and helps to establish the critical link between learning and faith. It prepares students for responsible, insightful, and creative participation in society. By promoting excellence in every area of life and valuing the development of moral and spiritual character as well as the development of the mind, the Christ-centered education prepares students to actively engage the culture and to serve Christ with all of their strength, in whatever capacity He has prepared for them.
